
I hold a Diploma in Clinical Supervision and offer supervision within an individual or group setting to trainee and qualified counsellors, psychotherapists and healthcare professionals. I absolutely believe that supervision is a significant cornerstone of the therapeutic space and is there to support both the supervisee’s practice and their client work.
My philosophy is firmly rooted within The Seven Eyed Model of Supervision (Hawkins and Shohet, 2012) integrating transpersonal / psychosynthesis theory and understanding. This allows room for creativity and intuition in working with the soul and what it means to work with this both within us and within the therapeutic space. I often work with the imagination, the body, and what stories it holds, as well as talking through therapeutic work to make sense of the many dual processes that are at play.
I have several years’ experience working as a senior practitioner within the criminal justice system, offering individual and group supervision to practitioners working within the domestic abuse field. This has provided a solid foundation for my supervision practice as a therapist. I have experience as a group supervisor working with counsellors, psychotherapists, and psychologists (qualified and trainee’s) within a mental health charity in inner city London. Most notably, supporting my colleagues with the transition to online work during the pandemic and beyond holding the uncertainty of the world and the evolving impact on the therapeutic professions.
I have experience of supervising and holding group reflective practice sessions with (non therapeutic) health professionals with in the NHS, again holding a space during and after the pandemic in the ever changing face of healthcare.
I can offer both online and face to face supervision sessions at a frequency that best supports your therapeutic practice.